Hello, I'm
Samuel Jayasingh
And I'm a
Lets's Chat!

About me

I'm Samuel Jayasingh and I'm a

I am an Undergraduate student at Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology with a major in Computer Science with Specilization in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. I'm an Aspiring AI Engineer who loves finding patterns and connecting dots! I have some Technical Skills and an academic background in mathematics, engineering and statistics.

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My skills

My Love for Computers💻.

I have a passion for Computer Programming in the fields of Android Development, MachineLearning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity Domains, Full-Stack Web DeveIopment and Google Cloud Platform (Cloud Computing).

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Web-Development 70%
Cloud Computing 60%
Android 60%
Git 50%
Problem Solving 70%

Contact me

Get in Touch

Finding creative solutions to problems is something I have always enjoyed. As a kid I loved tinkering with things that were broken, figuring out how they worked, and fixing them again If you are interested in contacting me in regards to a position with your company, please email me at the link above, or feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn. Have a Great Day!😊

Samuel Jayasingh
Chennai, India
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